Constitution & By-Laws

WHEREAS, it seems both necessary and desirable that an organization shall be formed in order to attain certain objectives consistent with the history, development, and heritage of Amite County, Mississippi and the surrounding area,

BE IT RESOLVED, that such organization shall be known as the “Amite County Historical and Genealogical Society”, hereinafter called “the Society” for the purpose of brevity, and of which these By-Laws are a part thereof.


The purpose and objectives of the Amite County Historical and Genealogical Society shall be to provide for the discovery, preservation, and dissemination of materials and knowledge, about the history of peoples, families, structures, objects, and items of interest, importance, and value, in relation to Amite County, Mississippi, and its vicinity. More specifically:

To promote interest and encourage research in the history of places, events, and families of Amite County, Mississippi.

To discover and collect any materials that may help establish or illustrate the founding and history of Amite county, Mississippi and its surrounding environs; such as histories, genealogies, journals, biographies, family histories, photographs, family bibles, diaries, historical letters, books, maps, newspapers, church and cemetery records, pictures, paintings, Indian relics, military records, memorabilia, and historical objects, etc. illustrative of life, conditions, and events.

To provide for the preservation of such materials and acquire the necessary tools, equipment and technologies for its accessibility, as far as may be feasible, to all who wish to examine or study it; establish a place(s) [such as a museum, library, and/or research center] with appropriate environ to display and store items of historical interest, and supportive of genealogical and historical research; and to bring about the preservation of historic buildings, monuments, and markers; and provide a repository for items of historical or genealogical interest.

To educate, disseminate historical information, and arouse interest in the past by publishing materials, books, and papers; by holding meetings, lectures, and discussions; encouraging efforts to celebrate events of historical significance; by promoting classes in historical subjects, and field trips to historical sites and museums by the schools; and by marking historic buildings, and sites.


The first meeting shall officially organize the Society in accordance with all legal requirements of the State of Mississippi. The Society should pursue the establishment of non-profit status according to the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954, described as sections 501 (c) (3), and corresponding sections, as required by federal law.

An Executive Board shall be responsible to direct the affairs of the Society. The Executive Board [hereafter called the “Board”] shall be composed of five members, including the four primary officers named below and one member at large. The officers, and Executive Board, as set forth in this constitution and by-laws, shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at the organizational meeting.

The Executive Board shall manage the affairs of the Society subject to such regulations and restrictions as may be prescribed by law, approved actions of the active members of the Society at the Annual Meeting, and by these by-laws. A quorum shall be constituted by three Board members.

After establishment of the Society, the officers and “member at large” serving on the Executive Board, shall be elected by majority vote of the membership of the Society in attendance at the Annual Meeting, with the President presiding over the elections.

The primary officers of the Society shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom shall be members of the Executive Board.

The officers shall hold office for one year and remain in office until their successors have been duly elected and qualified. Consecutive terms by officers and/or Executive Board members are allowable, if re-elected, for consistency and continuity serving the best interests of the Society. In case of vacancy in any office, it may be filled for the remaining term by action of the Board.

Voting shall be conducted by the President. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote. The voting may be by either secret ballot or voice, as determined by the President. No person shall be entitled to vote who is concurrently in arrears in his dues or is otherwise disqualified.

The fiscal year shall run from July 1 of each year to June 30 of the succeeding year.


The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and of the Executive Board, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. He shall be responsible that all legal and financial obligations are in order. The President shall have authority to delegate duties and responsibilities, as needed. He may form committees to assist in carrying out the duties, purposes, and objectives of the Society, and appoint committee chairmen, with consultation to the Executive Board. He shall have authority to convene meetings of the Executive Board, in addition to the general membership meetings, to plan, organize, and discuss matters of importance to the Society. Actions may be taken that are in agreement with the purpose and objectives of the Society.

In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall discharge the duties and responsibilities of the President in his place and stead. The Vice President shall also assist in carrying out the duties, purposes, and objectives of the Society as assigned by the Board.

The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all general membership meetings of the Society; maintain a roll of the members; conduct the correspondence of the Society; give notice of all general membership meetings; and make a report at the Annual Meeting upon the work, actions, and accomplishments of this Society during the prior year. This report shall be in writing and after acceptance shall be filed in the archives of the Society.

The Treasurer shall receive and disburse funds, including dues and donations. He shall have authority to establish an appropriate bank account to manage the Society funds. He shall keep a complete, accurate account of all funds and shall make a report thereof at the Annual Meeting and whenever required by the Board. He shall act as a prudent manager of all Society monies, keeping required records and following established procedures set up by the Board. All records of the Society shall be subject to independent audit as requested by the Board.

In consultation with the Board, the President may appoint assistant secretaries and/or other officers assigned to specific duties under the direction of the Secretary, or other officer as designated:

Membership Chair- To promote and record membership of the Society, to assist in dues collection, and to serve as chairman of the Membership Committee.

Corresponding Secretary- To maintain the correspondence of the Society including the coordination and cooperation with other historical societies.

Newsletter Chair- To create, publish, and distribute an informational newsletter regarding the Society business and articles of interest.

Archivist/Historian- To catalogue and preserve materials and objects that are the property of, or on loan to the Society, to keep record of, and display as appropriate.

Genealogy Historian- To collect, organize, and preserve genealogies and family histories that may be published, or otherwise made available for research, and the promotion of interest in ones’ ancestry.

Such other persons to perform either temporary or permanent obligations of the officers or requirements of the Society as deemed necessary by the Board.

All officers and Board members shall serve without pay or other remuneration for their services.


The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held in June of each year, with the exact date, time, and place set by the President.

The Board shall hold executive meetings as needed, upon call of the President or Vice President, or any two members of the Board, but at least once a year. Three members thereof shall constitute a quorum.

Regular Meetings, scheduled and published in advance; and any Special Meetings for specific purposes, may be called by direction of the President at any time, or by request of a majority of the Board.

A majority of Society members, in good standing, present at any general membership meeting shall constitute a quorum for that meeting.


Membership shall be open to all those genuinely interested in promoting the purpose and objectives of the Society, with no residence requirement. Regular and family annual memberships, as well as life memberships, will be available.

All dues, fees, and assessments shall be determined by order of the Board and shall continue in force and effect until otherwise changed by majority vote of any succeeding Board. The dues of annual members shall be paid each year to remain a member of the Society in good standing. The dues of life members shall be a single payment of an amount determined by the Board.

All applications for membership shall be submitted to the secretary, properly completed, and accompanied by payment of the appropriate annual dues.

Annual dues shall be due and payable on or before July 1 of each year. Dues shall be considered late thirty days after that date. A late fee may be levied as determined by the Board.

Members failing to pay their dues by October 1, shall be dropped from the rolls. They shall not be entitled to benefits of membership, such as receipt of official publications, or voting privileges, while they are in arrears.


This Constitution and By-Laws may from time to time be amended in the following manner:

At any Annual Meeting of the Society, provided the proposed amendment shall first have been submitted to the Secretary in writing at least sixty days prior, and been reviewed by and approved by the Board, for presentation before the general membership. A majority vote of all members present that are qualified to vote, and voting, shall be necessary before such proposed amendment is adopted.

Amendments to the By-Laws may be proposed and voted on, only by members in good standing.

The Executive Board by a majority vote, may from time to time at their discretion, enact amendments that shall have the same force and effect as though enacted by vote of the membership in an annual meeting, provided however, that such By-Law amendment shall only remain in effect until the next succeeding Annual Meeting, whereupon it shall be submitted to the membership for adoption in the manner prescribed in section one (1) of this article.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF for the purpose of founding the Amite County Historical and Genealogical Society, of Amite County, Mississippi, the undersigned, constituting the founding members of this Society, have executed this Constitution and By-Laws this July 23, 2004.

Signatures: Print Name:


Joey Howell Wall, President


William Greg Barron, Vice President


Sue Clark Severson, Secretary


Nora Gay Blalock, Treasurer


Cheryl Rape-Ott


Ralph F. Severson